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Problems recording with Humax Freesat Boxes – Recordings missed, Recordings Failed


Humax Freesat boxes have an issue regarding timed recordings. Recordings missed, Recordings Failed, Unable to make recordings because box is saying already recording etc. This is because Freesat made some changes to there Program guide EPG system transmission data. Humax is aware of this and will be working to fix it ASAP. This is not a problem with the Humax boxes but a data transmission change by Freesat. The problem is affecting Foxsat, HDR-1000S, HDR- 1010S, HDR-1100S Freesat boxes. Our advice is not to start resetting or adjusting parameters in the box.


Freesat have now fixed the EPG guide data problem which affected all Humax Freesat boxes in the last few days and all models are now working ok again.

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02866 327293

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