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How to fix Sky Q box stuck on amber or red light

Sky Q boxes from time to time may need resetting. There are two types of reset you can do a Soft Reset or Hard Reset. I suggest you always  start with soft reset and if that doesn’t work then try Hard Reset. Please note you will loose all recordings when you do a Hard Reset


How to do a soft Reset on Sky Q Box

Soft Reset on a Sky Q box is very simple.

Simply switch off at the mains and  back on again.

Wait 4 Minutes and then press the standby button on the box .

Sometimes,  the remote will not work and will need repairing to the box . To reset the remote control, press and hold 7 and 9 until it flashes 4 times.

Then re-pair the remote by pressing and holding 1 and 3 and following onscreen instructions. If this didn’t work then you will have to try a Hard Reset. Please be aware that this will completely reset the box including updating software and formatting the Hard Drive. You will loose all your recordings – Sorry!


How to do a Hard Reset on Sky Q Box

Switch off the box at mains

Then press and hold standby button on front of the box, while this is held switch back on mains and wait until you get the message on screen that says step 1 of 2 software update.


Wait  20 – 30mins to complete.

Now  reset the remote control by pressing and holding 7 and 9 until it flashes 4 times. Then  re-pair the remote by pressing and holding 1 and 3 and following onscreen instructions. If after that, the box still doesn’t turn on, then you will need to book you an engineer or replace the box.





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